26/1/18 Cycle Day 6: Gonal f 225 ml Orgalutron 250ug

Australia Day Holiday.
Ive been really tired and flat today, still got slight bloating & now a bit of a ache in my lower back. A hot water bottle is my best friend right now, even with this stinking 42 degree heat!
Caught myself being a bit snappy today and woke up crying over a contestant that lost on a tv show the night before …..that was weird.
But other than that feeling alright for day six.

Tonight’s Injection’s
2nd Orgalutran shot + 6th Gonal f:
Really wasn’t looking forward to having another crack at the almighty painful Orgalutran.
Luckily I had Mum down tonight and She was a good distraction.

First up I administered the Gonal f, bang….in…done, sweet as.
Mr.R is taking the “Org needle” out of the plastic holder….then all of a sudden it falls apart in two pieces on the floor!!!!
What the?

Right so that just happened, & now we’re running against the clock. Because we decided to go watch the Aussie day fireworks at 9pm and got home just in the nick of IVF time.
(We have from 9pm till 10pm to do the jab’s, and it was now 9:50pm!!!)

We didn’t have time to waste, out with another needle and in it went.
Ouch. Burning.
But definitely better than the 1st….actually found it was easier to get it over and done with swiftly instead of procrastinating.
Although this one bleed a bit afterwards.
Mr.R said the plunger is quite stiff to push in & Same problem last night.
The medicine looks thicker than the Gonal F, maybe this is why it’s tougher to push down?maybe that’s why the needle gauge is a tiny bit thicker too.



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