Monthly Archives: May 2018

27/5/18: Cycle Day 17, Transfer Eve – Progesterone 3x per day 300mg


🌀Woke bright and early to shove a pill up my fanny, And couldn’t get back to sleep. 

Today is transfer eve! 

Completely overjoyed to have made it this far.

Spent the day listing to great tunes, eating and nesting.

Cleaned out and rearranged the entire house. 

All while dropping a few dance moves to loosen up.

The pad feels lovely and fresh. 

I feel fresh.

All my cramping post aspiration has finally gone.

There’s an air of tranquility again.

Got the pineapple sliced up and ready to rock and roll.

Praying our 3 embryos spent the weekend happily growing strong and healthy.  

Tomorrow they will be 5 day old blastocyst’s.


Saturday 26th May: Cycle Day 16 – Embryo’s 3rd day (They hung in there)- Progesterone day 2

9 am the phone rang, right away I knew it was the Lab.

A sweet voice announced “ good morning , we are happy to tell you that you’re 3 embryo’s made it to day three and are cell dividing very well.’

Woohooo YES! Thank You universe!!!

Our Embryo’s are a 6 cell, 8 cell and a 10 cell.

Well done little ones!!

Keep blooming strong and we look forward to meeting you on transfer day Monday coming.


Boobs are becoming very large and their still sore.

Sweaty groin during the night, Spotting stopped today.

Still have slight pains and twinge’s in my abdomen/ovaries…hope this goes away by tomorrow.

25/5/18: Cycle day 15 – Embryo’s Day 2: Start Progesterone Pessaries

Boobs have gone into “can’t be touched mode”.

Feeling very depleted of energy ….and still tender in the abdomen/ovary region.

Lower back is achy & the spotting is nearly gone.

So different in comparison to my first egg collection, I bounced back quite well on the first aspiration.

Find out how our three embryos are growing tomorrow morning. Praying they are flourishing and becoming strong.

24/5/18: Cycle Day 14 – Embryo’s Day 1

Three fertilized!

I’m so happy. That’s 50% success.

1 Follicle was too mature to use.

1 was no good and the other didn’t fertilize.

But three of those beauties sparked and made new life.

Now we wait till the 26th for the lab to phone with another update on our three embryo’s development.  


Sore Boobs today.

Craving milk.

Quite lethargic from yesterday’s anesethic. Napped most of the day.

Still bleeding, But not as heavy as yesterday more like light spotting now.

Have a fair bit of tight bloating and am still quiet sore from the procedure.

Probably shouldn’t have gone to work this evening, but my shift was only for two hours, can’t complain with that.

23rd May 2018 Cycle Day 13 – EGG RETRIEVAL – day 0

My amazing Mum took time off from her work to come and be by my side today. Mum awoke before the sun, and drove through dark winding roads: for 45 minutes with phenomena to pick me up and drive me another 1/2 hour to the day surgery clinic by 7:30 am.

And what do I go and do…. have a mini melt down at Mum over the stupidest thing. I felt and still feel really horrible. If you ever read this Mum I am really sorry.

Now i’m not using this as an excuse, but upon some hindsight I’ve realized that its not the first time I’ve had a moment of rage and behaving out of character in the past week. Just the other day I found my self in a heated conversation, in a public place loosing my cool, saying some really hurtful things to some poor person I’ve only ever met a few times. That’s not like me at all.


My GP labeled it “Mamma Bear Syndrome”, and told me to cool my heaters until we have a baby on board.

Going to really practice thinking before speaking over the next few days.

The whole procedure only took twenty five minutes to complete. As I woke from the anesthetic, obviously my first question was “how many did they get?’

“Look at your palm” said a recovery nurse.

Written in blue pen was the number 6.

Six follicles!!!

1 extra than anticipated and Spot on- same number as the first round of IVF.

Two hours later I was good to go home.

Had heavy bleeding afterwards and was quite sore once the drugs wore off. Downed a couple of Panadol and slept the rest of the day.

Tomorrow the lab will ring me with the results on how fertilisation went via ICSI.
fingers and legs crossed xxx xxx

21/5/18: Cycle Day 11 – TRIGGER SHOT of Ovidrel tonight Bloods and Scan today

7am I arrived at the fertility clinic for our head count from the transvaginal scan – 5 follicles seen on the screen.

Apparently I have a text book endometrium. Nurse was impressed.

Have to admit I’m disappointed with my body’s inability to produce any more than a dozen eggs.

I was really hoping to get more this time, but I’m grateful to have any at all.

Asked the nurse about my hot reaction towards the orgalutran last night, She said this can sometimes be a common side effect and its nothing to worry about…phew.

Left the clinic at 8:30am and went back to my daily business.
Watching the phone and waiting for the clinic to call all day. Finally late arvo my blood results were in and everything looked great… booked in for egg retrieval on Wednesday 23/5/18 @ 7:30am.

No Gonal f or Orgalutran tonight just an east Trigger shot instead. Very pleased indeed.

20/5/18: Cycle Day 10! Orgalutran and gonal f

Had another try at administering both the gonal f and Orgalutran tonight. This time I made sure to release the air bubble from the syringe.

With a numb tum from my magic cream I went about my business within a couple of minutes. Applied pressure to both injection sites and kicked back.

About 5 mins afterwards I felt a hot sting that was worse than usual, I sat up and noticed my tummy was really red and even hot to touch right around the site of the Org shot.

Hadn’t experienced any reaction’s using the Orgalutran before this. Just my luck, hope it wasn’t anything I’d done. Being a newbie to this Org administration I was worried the needle may not have penetrated through properly. Mr.R found me an ice pack which helped cool down the splotchy red patch, then not after it disappeared.

Have Bloods and Scan tomorrow. While I’m there will ask about my strange reaction to the Org.

19/5/18 Cycle Day 9 of Gonal f + Orgalutran

Oh dear me, tonight was a whole new experience. I had to administer BOTH shots on my own. Mr. R wasn’t around to lend a helping hand. When 9pm clicked over and I freaked out….my palms were beyond sweaty they became their own tropical thunderstorm. Trembling and dripping wet I seriously contemplated asking my neighbour to do it for me. I had no faith in myself and time was ticking by really fast, I had to suck it up and do it.

But I couldn’t…..I panicked and was about to rush myself to the hospital.

Drastic I know but at the time I was feeling so overwhelmed I couldn’t think straight. Felt like a matter of life and death and to put extra heat on the subject, I had a limited amount of time to get this Org in my belly. Like 2 minutes ago.

I sat down and messaged my Mum for support. And those words of encouragement came flooding across. At first I’m all – Mum help me!!

I can’t do this. Too hard to stressful, Mr.R is unreliable, Going to cancel the cycle and a heap of self-pity rants. rah rah rah.

Mum keeping her calm disposition replied “Oh luv, if you can’t do it that’s ok “.

I looked at the clock and more than ½ hour has passed now. F*%k it, I can do this!

Picked up that Org and poked it into my skin, was tuff had to give a bit of oomph behind it, I could feel the needle penetrate through to my abdominal cavity, it kind of went – Pop, then I plunged that medicine into my belly.

As I was injecting the Org I realized mid-way that I forgot to squeeze out the huge air bubble in the syringe. I wasn’t about to stop now. Nope no way.

Continued to push the liquid in, as the vile emptied – it kind of farted into my belly. Made me laugh, such a bizarre feeling. Oh well that wasn’t as bad as I was carrying on about. And a good lesson learned, I won’t forget to clear the air bubble ever again. And I did it! All by myself…. Did it for those sweet follicle-baby’s!

17/5/18, Sims Cycle Day 7, Gonal f + Orgalutran

It’s occurred to me that even with my upped dose of med’s I’ve experienced next to no side effects at all.

Apart from my periods easing off earlier than normal I’ve had no symptoms compared to the first round.

Period has completely gone today.

Noticeable ovulation signs appeared. I remember this concerned me the first IVF round and I rang the fertility nurse, she reassured me that this is a completely normal experience while taking this medication.

Took both jabs of Org and Gonal f like a champion. Stoked 🙂

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16/5/18 Cycle Day 6, 5th Shot, Began Orgalutran 250ug + Gonal f 275

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Armed with my trusty Emla cream whacked on a good dob half hour before injection’s.

First off the Gonal f – that’s a breeze at this stage.

Mr.R administered the Org, still can’t bring myself to do that one. Couldn’t feel the needle thank goodness oh it was marvelous.  But unfortunately Emla doesn’t help with that after burn of the medicine as it trickles through. Thankfully this sensation only last a couple of minutes.

I can cop that.