Category Archives: IVF cycle 4

Flare Cycle 27/1/2020

Fourth IVF cycle

This was a completely different kind of stimulation than we’ve tried before. Was supposed to be shorter than what we’ve tried in the past……but as I’ve learned… when it comes to IVF not everything turns out as planed. With most things in life I guess.

Treatment Plan

We started on the 27th of January, came into this round refreshed, relaxed and optimistic. Instead of an injection to start things off we used “{Synarel – A nasal spray}. So pleased that I didn’t have to brave an injection ….Just yet! Also began a course of {Doxycycline-antibiotics}to avoid any possible infection of the uterus when we get to the embryo transfer.

Cycle day 3 Out came the big guns…an unusual preloaded syringe called ”Elonva”.

Safety Syringe

By cycle day 5 I began to experience all the wonderful side effects that IVF meds have to offer. From bloating, sore nipples and the odd dizzy spell and of course I tried to contain the mood swings, but nope, out of my control (sometimes).

Cycle day 8 was the first follical scan and blood works. Feeling good about how everything was progressing, and looking forward to seeing how many follicles I’ve pushed out.



Even the nurse looked shocked. After a quick review of our last IVF round they contemplated on cancelling.

Reason being we only have one straw of frozen sperm left and they felt it would be a waste to defrost it all just for one follicle. But I felt otherwise.

I said “We don’t mind if we go ahead and risk it, It could be the one!’.

‘Not up to us really” said the nurse’s, “we have to run it past your specialist first, then we will call you this afternoon”.

I returned back to work …mind was miles away….constantly one eye on the mobile phone.

Finally the fertility clinic called right before I knocked off work…….Thank goodness….no cancellation.

Instead I begin {450iu of Menopure} as well as the synarel spray.

Menopure CD8

Were going to continue for a couple more days and see what happens…..

Waiting for a scan CD10

Cycle day 10– Back for another scan and more blood works. Anxious to see what the transvaginal had to show…..Lo and behold more follicles grew. There were 3 in my left ovary that were under developed and 2 in my right, one large well developed follicle (the original 1st egg) and one medium size.

Because there is only 1 follicle that’s viable for collection at this stage we had to make a decision as weather to ;


Keep going with stimulation & hope to grow more and risk loosing the viable egg?

Or harvest the one big egg and loose the rest?

Far out……this decision isn’t easy nor is it entirely up to Mr.R and I, our fertility specialist has the final say.

Again after hours of waiting, I hear my phone ringing …. the call with the verdict. Yes, we can continue on and try to grow the other follicles to maturity and possibly risk loosing the current viable follicle.

That sounds like a better plan than cancellation! Happy with that. So I continue on with the menopure and wait till the next scan.

Weird….Could taste the menopure moments after my injection. Is this normal?

Cycle day 12 back to the clinic again, all follicles still there.Developing slowly. Continue with Menopure and Synarel.

Tell you one thing tho, not sure if this Synarel is better or worse than orgalutran and Gonal f injections?? The Synarel burns my brain (feels that way at least). My nose runs like a tap moments after spraying then the sneezing starts. And after blowing all the expensive medication out and wondering if it’s actually working, my sinuses completely block up. Only to start it all over again morning and night.

Cycle day 15 , guess who back, back again! Back to the clinic, for a scan.

Fertility clinic waiting room

Seven follicles

Fantastic….7 follicles seen all up. There are 4 on the left ovary and 3 on the right. You little beauty! But because they were a bit slow at the beginning they need a bit more time to grow. More menopure injections for me, yay.

Seen as though iv’e been on medication for an extended period of time, my progesterone level is now to high to continue with a fresh embryo transfer. Meaning my body is ready to ovulate and getting geared up for a period. The specialist believes it would be a waste of a good embryo if we put one in my uterus this late during cycle. My uterus lining is now becoming thinner and the embryo wouldn’t have enough time to implant before being flushed away.

We will still go ahead with egg collection and fertilisation, but instead of transferring a fresh embryo this round, we will freeze them and use them next month.

Mixed emotions with this news. Happy the cycle wasn’t cancelled and I managed to grow any eggs at all. Happy we got more than one follicle to fertilise. But also disappointed with my body. And the fact I’ve been tested on my patience yet AGAIN.

Hopefully one last and final scan……

Cycle day 17 okay after a night of no sleep, we were up early and at the clinic by 8am for our bloods and scan. Standing out the front of the clinic Mr.R and I had a petty argument. I stormed off and went inside for my scan, leaving him standing out the front. Think my hormones got the better of me, poor Mr.R. Checked in at reception all flushed and anxious, Aching for good news. And good news it was. Surprisingly the first original follicle was still there and it was an absolute giant according to the nurses. All the others were looking a mature size, viable for collection on Valentines Day!

Finally cycle day 17 and tonight is trigger time! Booked in for egg collection on cycle day 19 Friday 14/2/2020.

Hoping for a miracle.

Trigger to release the follicles

Unsuccessful FET #4


🌀 20th July 2019 marked one year since our silent miscarriage.

{One whole entire year , gosh where the heck did those 365 days go??.}

22nd July 2019 we embarked upon another attempt at trying to conceive.

Our 4th effort.

This round was another natural (no hormones) frozen embryo transfer.

Nice and simple.

But at the same time pressure was  mounting.

Not only being our very last frozen embryo in storage…..

Just days before the transfer, I came down with a sneaky sore throat.

Naively thinking this was a one off. I dismissed it as nothing and gargled salt water in hopes to rid of any nasties.

But woke the next morning, crook as a dog.

Dam it!!!!

Terribly concerned I rang the nurses at the fertility clinic to ask for advice.

Nurse Michelle told me “as long as you don’t have a fever, it should be fine to proceed with the transfer ” and she finished with saying “But try not to get any worse!”


This cycle wasn’t a good start from the get go.

Remembering back, this little Embaby was a slow grower in the lab … while the others embryos developed to a 10 cell on day 3 after fertilization, this little one was only a 5 cell. Grade 3AB.

Being in two minds about my current situation I remained cautiously optimistic.

Made it to transfer day with only minor flu like symptoms and no high temperature.


The procedure went without a hitch and was all done in 5 minutes.

On the drive back home I nearly side swiped a taxi,  due to my own negligence.

Evading confrontation. Made it safely back, wiped the sweat from my brow and plonked down on the lounge.

This was just the beginning of a whirlwind two week wait ahead.

Had an inkling not to go ahead with this cycle during a mercury retrograde.

Even my mum an (astrologer) suggested waiting.

Should have listened but waiting is not my forte right now.

A summary of the first couple days during the 2WW:

I became terribly unwell with some kind of weird head cold- lost my voice completely.

Had a total communication breakdown with the one person who’s supposed to be my rock during all of this.

The company I work for constructed a new budget and decided to cut my hours in half.

Ended up in hospital with a head injury a day after the transfer.

Our family doctor of 9 years unexpectedly took leave for 6 months, forging us to start from scratch with an unfamiliar GP.

Relief staff that were supposed to cover my shifts during my period off to “relax” weren’t turning up to work.

Manager frantically relying on me to take on her responsibility’s.

Screw You universe I thought.

4 days past embryo transfer I was totally overwhelmed and far to sick to deal with any thing.

It’s no surprise that 7 days past transfer aunt flow came with the vengeance.



This time I felt numb no tears just disappointment.

But some how deep In my bones I know it’s going to be okay.

Fortunately I’m lucky to be in a position where I’m able to financially afford to have another crack at doing this.

Each attempt Has literally helped me become a healthier and better educated incubator.

I’m actually looking forward to moving forward.

Have left the self pity party behind and jumped back on the self love wagon heading towards the future.

Next appointment with our specialist is the 13/8/19

Only a few days away.


Really excited this time around.

Bring it on

IVF got this baby!
